Category: GRACE


Anger is sometimes too heavy

It sits inside your chest like a huge rock

You wonder whether to cry or scream it out

But then the ache in your heart, chest doesnt let you

Instead you sit at the pavement and cry

Hoping that the relese of tears will make you feel better

Instead, it weighs heavier that you just need someone to help you carry it

Then you speak out, sometimes

Sometimes not because, they will not relate

Pass me not gentle savior when anger bulges inside my eyes

Puzzledlines 23/3

I wonder how we marvel at nature,

Praise sunrises and admire sunsets.

Have you heard of how we look at the moon?

All our poetic lays out at the full moon.

The admiration we place on nations

And yet,We look at ourselves with such dissatisfaction.

The hatred for colour,are held by the idea of not being enough

We bend rulesAbuse his creativity to idealize our own

Yet, he is the same creator

Of the sunsets we stare at

and the bodies we alter to suit our idea

If he created that breathtaking beauty of the skies,

how much more do you imagine he did with you

Yes, you that he made in his likeness

Grace carried me

Grace carried me!

Even when I arrived shipwrecked on the shores

Broken but not ashamed

Empty but with hope

He gave me rest at the banks

Lifted me up even when I was filthy

He hugged and cleansed me.

In the winter of my soul

I knew I was beyond repair

I couldn’t be mended

He called me by name

Let me bleed, cry and breathe on his shoulder

Grace, took me by surprise

Grace lifted me

You have my attention

You have ghosted me enough

I have run enough

I would like to come home

My house is empty

and I am tired of the lonely nights,

radio silent evenings,

Movie fantasies,

The streets are staring hard at me

The unanswered voices.

Did I grieve you?

Did you forsake me?

See, you have my attention

I wasn’t ready for the altar call then

How was I supposed to believe a stranger even?

Me, a prophet

Speaking in tongues?

I wasn’t made for that life.

Please don’t forsake me.

You have my attention.

I am ready