Tag: hope

Hold unto his love

Broken and heavy burdened

She carried her tears to his feet

Unable to question why

Unable to pray

She reminded him of his promises

I am holding unto love” she said.

My faith is on the line

Before I give up,

I know your answer is yes and amen

Not trying to question you,

But why?

If love covers it all…

Why, why I’m I holding unto a love long gone

Let Go My Soul

Let go my soul and trust in him.

If the birds and trees still sway

and the wind and waves still in his presence

What is warmth without his embrace?

What is love without his word?

Let go my soul and trust in him

Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth

For his love is better than wine

Strengthen me with raisins and

Refresh me with apples

For i am faint with love

Let go my soul and trust in him

What is a heart when its empty?

What is love when the embrace is cold

A broken heart is nothing he cant fix

The church was silent

My church was silent

Silent to my screams

Blind to my tears

When my temples hurt,

My feet bruised

And My heart ached,

The Holy Spirit moved not.

The choir didn’t sing.

When stomach was empty and

When my children were hungry

The hall was dead

The pews empty

The pastor didn’t preach.

when adultery knocked,

The trumpets resounded

The righteous spoke loudly

Hail Mary, and all the saints

Spoke in tongues

And when I left, the choir sung.

So loud that they burst the speakers

Sermon after sermon I was with blemish

The love they preached was spite

They rebuked my decisions

Challenged my opinions

Said I was berserk

And I had much to drink…

Only had they known it wasn’t wine

I convened at his feet

Waited at the well

Tithed my buttons

Fasted like Esther

Kissed his feet

For his love is better than wine

Single mother

Would you love me if,

You saw me physically?

This might work only behind our keyboards because,

The filters on my phone,

Have modeled me into my dream woman,

the teenage version of me.

See, my new name is “single mother”

Not that I regret my son but,

I’m no longer the high school slender babe

The one all the boys died to have

The one all the maidens thought was perfect.

I am a shadow,. No, I’m a painting.

My tummy is now a mini pot

Stretch marks run like water falls from my tummy to thighs

My boobs are not perky.

In fact they hang like punching bags so

I Never go without a bra.

My face is pale like I do not own any lotion

But I do,

however, the glow that comes with being loved..

Eluded me long time

And my heart…..😔😔😔😒😒

My chest……..are empty


Emotions loitered a lot

Because the heart and mind are busy streets

We battled with the bruises and patches

Seven years,eight hours

We buried the last pieces of you

We held long to confirm you were gone

The heart contemplated five years

The mind two years

And yet again acceptance came one month ago

Thank you for holding hands

For leading us to the bus stop

Love wasn’t enough

Thank you for your belief

It’s the end of the road

You held too long even when you fell out of love

We know your heart was gone three years in

But you held hands four more

Today we buried the remaining pieces

Way after the heart has healed

And the mind accepted

Grief no longer plays ping pong

Emotions playing no pinky ponky

Thank you for your patience

And for putting a meaning to friendships

Nothing between us

You short butterflies in my tummy

Yet ignored the smile

I blamed the dust and wind when my eyes watered

Maybe there was nothing between us but

120 days ago I was heart broken

I sat at my fav cafe sipping tea

The spices were too strong my eyes watered

You walked up to me

Told me you have been watching me for years

We became friends

I promised I wasn’t ready or you would be a rebound

But your sweet soul took me to dinner

Asked me out,

When I asked for time you became elusive

Stopped calling and texted only when necessary

I didn’t reject you

When I said wait for me is because I didn’t want to hurt you

I needed to be sure my feelings weren’t playing

I just needed a couple of weeks to place and settle my hurt but


You shot the butterflies in my stomach

Blamed the dust for the water in my eyes

Ignored not just my smile

Told me you weren’t willing to wait

Yet you had already waited 730 days

Acted like you had never known me

Maybe you were right

There was nothing between us

But why do I still gape at the sight of you

Why does my stomach flip

And my tongue ties?

I know you feel the same way

But maybe there’s nothing between us


#puzzledlines 22

She could have stayed

But he said she was too much

And not enough at the same time

She was overly ambitious

But he loved the passion and ideas

She was too beautiful but

With a body of a goddess

She made him happy

But she was too selfless

She smiled with everyone and was a chatterbox

Yet he never spoke one word to start a conversation

He was cold and warm

She thought he was bipolar

One moment sweet and in love

The other angry and silent


First we adhered

Then hunger attacked us

The same men that sent us to exile

And promised to feed us

Abused and called us ungrateful

What if it was all a myth

A scramble for power at the expense of the citizens

What if it never really existed

And you just needed to withdraw money from the masses

What if it’s just a super game plan

First they got scared

They prayed silently for God to rescue the land

Then they noticed it wasn’t going anywhere

And a lot of politics was being played

At the expense of their survival

Do you know how hurt they are

How many lives are lost to hunger not covid

Or how many the security men have battered

Curfew was okay,

But how do you support a cause you know nothing about?

If they could all turn to the streets

If they could all have courage to sue you

If you could reach out once and know the pain

They have suffered with the economy

That to some, living is better than death

But here we are

Jobless and hungry

With loads of work but no money to pay support

With decaying goods no one is buying

Because breath isn’t a luxury,

Food and clothes has become a none basic need

We are struggling to see the next sun

Watching news daily waiting an address

Weeping due to domestic violence and child abuse

Trying to understand the panic media caused

Believing it wasn’t politics being played

Praying that we still have jobs

Even with salaries cut

Geeks are as expensive as mental health

Yet we have no choice but to survive

It’s not survival for the fittest.

It’s just SURVIVAL

nations 10

So today I went in for the usual check and the pressure was too high so they retained me. I don’t even know why it’s up hmm..way up. I have to be admitted for a night so that they can monitor it and if all goes well, we go home or it goes bad and we go for the options that i don’t exactly want to think about.

I lay down here with Kaka (God bless mothers) and My dad on phone calling every hour and Papa seated out waiting. Medication is being given but I am very hopeful we will go home. i like how calm and active you are in Thea. Don’t give up on me, because i am determined to carry this sheaf of grain till proper harvest. I have called Dr Apollo and he says the same for other options but here we are. God knows our hearts…Kemmy came by and told us to drink Hehe so we are going to drink..

10am next day

The pressure is stable (thank God) we are going home. Am not sure I will forget the screaming of all those ladies in labor, i pray we don’t get screaming too *hides face* My Champion, dear nations, we are going home. Papa is worried so we will go to Kaka till harvest.
